1. Kim, S., Kim, J., Lee, S., & Nam, K. (2025). Risk-Taking Propensity and Its Influence on Lexical Decision Performance: A Comparative Study of High and Low Risk Groups. Language and Cognition, 17, e20, 1-19*.* DOI: 10.1017/langcog.2024.42
  2. Kim, S., & Nam, K. (2024). Contributions of hemispheric dynamics in visual word recognition: uncovering familiarity effects through lateralized priming. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1475475. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1475475
  3. Kim, J., Kim, S., & Nam, K. (2024). Neural Dynamics of Processing Inflectional Morphology: An fMRI Study on Korean Inflected Verbs. Brain Sciences, 14(8), 752. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci14080752
  4. Kim, J., Kim, S., & Nam, K. (2024). The time course of semantic ambiguity in visual word recognition: behavioral and ERP evidence for the lexical-semantic effect. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1378125. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1378125
  5. Lee, S. Kwon, S., Kim, W., Kim, S., Koo, M., & Nam, K. (2024). The Inhibitory Effect of the First Syllable Frequency in Spoken Eojeol Recognition. The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, 36(2), 77-90. DOI: 10.22172/cogbio.2024.36.2.002
  6. Kim, S., Paterson, K., Nam, K., & Lee, C. (2024). Lateralized Displays Reveal the Perceptual Locus of the Syllable Transposition Effect in Korean. Neuropsychologia, 108907. DOI: 1016/j.neuropsychologia.2024.108907
  7. Kim, S., Nam, K., & Lee, E-H. (2024). The Interplay of Semantic and Syntactic Processing Across Hemispheres. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1-13. DOI: 1038/s41598-024-51793-2
  8. Kang, J., Kim, S., Kim, W., Lee, S. & Nam, K. (2023). A Correlation Study on Safe Driving Behavior and Cognitive Abilities of Elder Drivers: Focusing on Visuo-spatial Working Memory and Motor Control Abilities. Korean Aging-Friendly Industry Association, 15(2), 1-14. DOI: 10.34264/jkafa.2023.15.2.1
  9. Kim, S., & Nam, K. (2023). Decoding Foveal Word Recognition: The Role of Interhemispheric Inhibition in Bilateral Hemispheric Processing. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1293529
  10. Lee, S. Kim, W., Kim, S., Lee, E., Kwon, S., & Nam, K. (2023). The Facilitative Effect of the First Syllable Token Frequency in Visual Recognition of Korean Predicate Eojeols. The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, 35(4), 337-346. DOI: 10.22172/cogbio.2023.35.4.005
  11. Kim, W., Lee, S. Kim, S., & Nam, K. (2023). Syllable frequency effect in visual word recognition: a regression study on morphologically simple and complex Korean words. The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, 35(4), 303-335. DOI: 10.22172/cogbio.2023.35.4.004
  12. Kim, S., Song, J., Lee, W., & Nam, K. (2023). The pattern of intra-/inter-hemispheric interactions of left and right hemispheres in visual word processing. Cognitive Neuroscience, 14(4), 137-151. DOI: 10.1080/17588928.2023.2259555
  13. Kim, S., & Nam, K. (2023). Asymmetries in hemispheric strategies for visual recognition of homonyms. Laterality: Asymmetries of Brain, Behaviour, and Cognition, 28(4-6). DOI: 1080/1357650x.2023.2244732
  14. Lee, S. Lee, E-H., Kim, W., Kim, S., Kim, J., Kang, J., Lee, C., & Nam, K. (2023). The Effect of the First Syllable and Syllables in Other Positions in Visual Word Recognition of Korean Noun Eojeol: Focusing on Token Frequency. The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, 35(3), 151-164. DOI: 10.22172/cogbio.2023.35.3.004
  15. Kim, S., & Nam, K. (2023). Examining interhemispheric processing and task demand in lexical decision-making: Insights from lateralized visual field paradigm. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 2317. DOI: 3389/fpsyg.2023.1208786
  16. Kim, S., Kim, W., Lee, S. & Nam, K. (2023). The effect of individual differences in alerting on representation and processing of Korean Eojeols. The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, 35(2), 85-92. DOI: 10.22172/cogbio.2023.35.2.003
  17. Kim, S., Kim, W., & Nam, K. (2023). Electrophysiological evidence reveals asymmetric transfer from right to left hemisphere as key to reading proficiency. Brain Sciences, 13(4), 621. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci13040621
  18. Lee, C., & Kim, S. (2022). Inhibitory effect of the letter transposition effect in Korean in Korean word recognition: Letter transposition across syllables. Journal of Language Sciences, 29(4), 77-96. DOI: 14384/kals.2022.29.4.077
  19. Kim, S., Baik, Y., & Nam, K. (2022). The Effects of Self-Perceived Parenting Attitudes on Visuo-Spatial Attention and Mental Rotation Abilities among Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), 8841. DOI: 3390/ijerph19148841